DIY Floating Candles 


These floating candles are the best Halloween DIY project. They check all the boxes: cool, inexpensive, and easy! You're going to love making these creepy cool candles. 



  • Recycled toilet/paper towel rolls

  • Hot glue

  • Glue gun

  • Battery-powered tea light

  • Fishing line

  • Needle

  • White acrylic paint

Step 1:

Lay out all rolls. Cut them into varying heights for dimension. 

Step 2: 

Using a glue, gun, hot glue a wax “drip” along the top edge of each roll. After making a couple rolls, you’ll be a pro. On the inside of each roll, about 3/4 inches down, add a ring of hot glue to make a shelf where your tealight will sit. Let dry completely. 

Step 3: 

Paint rolls. I started with off white, then went over them with true white to add accents. You can also stick to one color if you prefer. Do you, boo! 

Step 4:

Add fishing line to your needle. The length of the fishing line depends on how far you want the candle to hang from the ceiling. If you want it floating two feet from the ceiling, you’ll want to cut about 4.5 feet of fishing line. 

Thread the needle in right at the top of the roll. This might take some muscle through the hot glue. Then, pull the fishing line through both sides of the roll and bring it up to tie a knot at the top. You’ll want to make sure the holes for the fishing line are pretty level. This is what is supporting your floating candle. Repeat with all candles.

Step 5:

Add the tea lights. Aren’t they cute?

Step 6: 

Hang candles from the ceiling and stare at the rad craft you just made.

I couldn’t believe how cool these turned out to be! I was trying for something more original than hanging witch hats. Don’t get me wrong, floating witch hats are my fave! See above. :)

Happy haunting + crafting, goulfriends. 

Lol okay, that’s enough, I know. I just love this time of year! 

Always and Whatever 



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