DIY Fruit Fly Trap


Spring is in the air. I mean, it is for me anyway. If it’s past February, it’s spring in my book. 

Spring means more warmth and plants, yay! But it also means more bugs. If you have houseplants, you’ve probably noticed that spring is the time of year when those tiny fruit flies and gnats start buzzing around your plants and inside your home. They’re super common, and super annoying. 

I’m going to show you my favorite way to keep these little guys under control. This DIY fruit fly trap is made with clean ingredients, and it’s easy to put together. You can make it in less than five minutes with things you already have around the house. 

Let’s get started! 

You’ll need: 

  • A jar

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • Cardstock to make a funnel

  • Dish soap (5-7 drops)

Step 1: Fill a jar with about two inches of apple cider vinegar.

Step 2: Add 5-7 drops of dish soap.

Step 3: Pop in the microwave for about 15 seconds.

Step 4: Cut cardstock in half and roll it into a funnel. Add a slice of tape to secure funnel. The funnel should sit in the jar by itself. 

Step 5: Set the trap near your plants. The flies will fly in but won’t be able to get out. 

New plants are often the culprit of a sudden fruit fly problem. When I get a new plant, I place one of these traps next to it for a couple days. It usually does the trick! If your problem persists after setting a trap, I recommend an organic neem oil spray.  I like this one. 

I hope this helps! I'm not going to lie, everyone time I walk by one of my traps, it makes me want a salad. LOL. The strong vinegar smell reminds me of salad dressing. Wow, Ale. 

K bye. 

Always and Whatever 



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