“Everything Potion” Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner


My soul sista Marissa Avey gave me this recipe and I’m never looking back! 

Here’s what you need: 


A spray bottle  I use these amber glass spray bottles for everything.

Alcohol  You can use whatever strength you are comfortable with. I’m all about the full force so I like it strong.

An essential oil This is for fragrance and mood. I like to use Citrus Fresh or grapefruit. If you’re not a citrus fan, try eucalyptus, mint or whatever scent you want.


Dish soap



Fill your bottle with one quarter each of alcohol and vinegar. Add a couple drops of dish soap. Then fill the rest of your spray bottle with water. BOOM, you just made the baddest cleaner ever. Can you believe it? 

I use this for everything! Countertops, kitchen, bathroom, around the toilet…even kid and dog pee (potty training up in here). The high chair is my favorite because it gets it SO clean and I know it’s 100% safe for my littles. Oh, and it’s streak free! 

Do I look like Mr. Clean yet? LOL I hope not. I need all the hair can get. Okay, enough of that weird image of me, bald on a man’s buff body. Lmao writing this. But really, I hope you make this cleaner! It’s going to change your life. 

I also hope you can never unsee the image of me as Mr. Clean. You’re welcome. 

Always + Whatever



Chia Pudding


Smashed Potatoes