Helpful Lasagna


Life is wild. Everyone time I turn around, someone is sick. My way of helping is always food. You’re sick? Let me drop off some soup. You had a baby? Let me drop off a lasagna. It’s the only way I feel helpful without being present. Everyone loves a home-cooked meal they don’t have to prepare!

This is how my mom has made lasagna my whole life. I think I’ve got it down, although my grandma always makes sure to tell me it’s “not as good” as my mom’s. NONE of us will ever be as good as mom, OKAY. Haha, I’m fine. 

Okay, enough chatting. Next time your friends or family need a good home-cooked meal, you'll know what to do! Make this helpful lasagna, grab a salad kit, and drop it off on their porch. 


  • Lasagna noodles

  • 2 large cans of traditional red sauce

  • Mozzarella cheese

  • 1 lb. ground beef or turkey

  • Cream cheese

  • 9 x 13” pan

Step 1: Preheat oven to 350. Brown beef or turkey and combine with sauce.

Boil lasagna noodles. Once boiled, lay flat.  

Step 2: Grab 9 x 13” pan and start building. Spray a little non-stick for easy clean up. Then add a spoonful of sauce to the bottom of pan to moisten it so the noodles don’t stick. 

Step 3: Add a layer of noodles.

Step 4: Add three dollops of cream cheese, evenly spaced, to each lasagna noodle. Add sauce on top of noodles and cream cheese dollops. 

Step 5: Sprinkle mozzarella over the top. Repeat steps 1-4 until you get to the top of your pan or run out of materials.

Step 6: Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes, or until warmed through.

This lasagna recipe is a crowd pleaser, and it also makes a great freezer meal.

I always serve lasagna with a salad. How else am I going to secretly add ranch to my lasagna? Yes, I did say that out loud. :)

I hope you’re thriving and not just surviving! If not, let me know, and I'll make you a lasagna so you can take the night off. 

Happy helping!

Always and Whatever 



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