Three Creamy Fruit Dips


Valentine’s Day is almost here, and I have three easy dip options for your heart-shaped strawberries! I also serve these with graham crackers, and as my sister-in-law would say, “Throw in jicama if you’re feeling crazy.” She knows I’m always feeling crazy. She’s the best. 

The first “fruit dip” I use is just Chobani Vanilla Greek Yogurt. LOL, everyone always asks me what it is and where to get it. When I tell them it’s just vanilla Greek yogurt, I watch their jaws drop. 

My second magic trick is a little less healthy, BUT VERY DELICIOUS. 


  • 1 jar of whipped Marshmallow 

  • 1 block cream cheese, softened

Stir together until well combined, and get to dipping!! 

My third fruit dip, uses just four ingredients. It isn’t whipped marshmallow, but it will do. 


  • 1/2 block of cream cheese, softened

  • 3/4 cup plain Greek yogurt, room temp

  • 2 large tablespoons honey 

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

The key to smooth dip is making sure the ingredients are room temp. If not, the dip won’t as smooth. Combine all ingredients and mix/whip together until it’s nice and smooth. 

I’ll let you decide which one is your favorite. I thoroughly enjoy all of them, and love to serve these at any and every gathering. It really depends on my level of lazy or healthy I’m feeling that week. It’s called balance, people! Let’s enjoy ourselves even if it includes a jar of whipped marshmallow. 

If you try these, please tell me which one is your favorite! This is a heated debate in our fam. 

Hope you enjoy and happy heart season! <3

Always and Whatever



Artichoke Butter


Overnight Hashbrown Casserole