10 Essential Oil Roller Blends


I’m an oil girl. I use essential oils daily, for so many different reasons. From hormones, to helping me focus, to sore muscles - there’s literally a recipe for everything. I use them on my kids daily too!

Here are a couple roller blends I can’t live without. These are all recipes friends have shared with me, or ones that I have found to work well for me.

I use all Young Living essential oils & products. I use this Organic Fractionated Coconut Oil as the carrier oil, but you can use any carrier oil you want. Carrier oils are used to dilute essential oils. When used alone, some essential oils can irritate your skin because of their high concentration.

I use these colorful roller bottles for my personal use so it’s easy to memorize what color helps for a quick fix. After you add the essential oil blend, top off the roller bottle with your carrier oil of choice.

Hormones Chill Plz

15 drops Clary Sage

10 drops Lavender

5 drops Ylang Ylang

5 drops Frankincense

Apply to wrists, behind ear and bottoms of feet

I use this multiples times a day when feeling a little fiery.

Hot Flash Support

10 drops Clary Sage

10 drops Geranium

5 drops lemon

5 drops peppermint

Apply when you feel one coming on. I put on my wrists and behind ears every night.

Immune Support

10 drops Thieves

5 drops Oregano

5 drops Frankincense

3 drops Lemon

Apply every night before bed to the bottoms of your feet.

No More Allergies Plz

10 drops Peppermint

10 drops Lemon

10 drops Lavender

8 drops Copaiba

Apply to wrists, temples, back of neck or behind ears

“So Chill” Mood Support

5 drops Stress Away

5 drops Peace & Calming

5 drops Lavender

5 drops Orange

3 drops Valor

Apply to wrists, behind ears, or across the chest. You can roll into the palms of your hands and take five deep breaths while cupping your hands over your mouth and your nose. Repeat as needed.

Anxiety Go Away

10 drops Valor

5 drops Lavender

5 drops Stress Away

3 drops Frankincense

2 drops Peace & Calming

Apply to wrists, chest, back of neck, or behind the ears. You can roll into the palms of your hands and take five deep breaths while cupping your hands over your mouth and your nose // BREATHE in. Repeat as needed.

Clear & Focused

10 drops Frankincense

8 drops Cedarwood

10 drops Orange

Apply to wrists, chest, back of neck, or behind the ears.

Catch Your Breath

10 drops Raven

10 drops Peppermint

5 drops Thieves

Apply to wrists, chest, between shoulder blades, or/and bottoms of feet.

Kids Sensory Support

5 drops Lavender

4 drops Peace & Calming

4 drops Orange

1 drop Valor

Apply to bottoms of feet, behind the ears, or across the chest.

Kid kisses on their pillow

5 drops Lavender

2 drops Peace & Calming

1 drop Cedarwood

Apply to bottoms of feet, across the chest, or roll once behind the ears.

These are just a few of my favorite roller blends. What blends work for you? Share your recipes with me!

Always & Whatever


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