DIY Lavender Eye Pillows


From headache relief to sock drawer aroma, these lavender eye pillows are your new best friends! They are great for so many reasons. I mainly use them for headaches or when I need a 15-minute refresh! They can be used cold, hot, or at room temperature. Just lay down, close your eyes, and relax. 


Cool: When placed in the freezer, these are great for relieving eye tension, headaches, fever and eye puffiness. 

Warm: Heating them up in the microwave is another great way to relieve headaches and for relaxation. The warming strengthens the lavender aroma for added stress relief. You’ll want to warm them in 15 second intervals (I recommend 15 seconds on each side). Be careful not to overwarm them and risk burns to your skin or the fabric. The flax seeds inside these eye pillows are great for holding onto heat. 

Room temperature: These are great to enjoy anytime, not just when warmed or cooled. Place them over your eyes and breathe in to relieve stress, relax, and experience more restful sleep. 


Although they are eye pillows, they also work great as potpourri inside drawers and closets to freshen up linens. 

For each pillow, you’ll need:

  • 1/4 yard of fabric (you’ll have extra)

  • 1 1/4 cup flax seeds

  • 3/4 cup lavender buds

  • Lavender essential oil to make the smell more potent (optional)

Wash and dry fabric before you begin.

Step 1:

For one pillow, cut 2 pieces of fabric measuring 4.5 x 10.5 inches each. Pin both layers together to keep the fabric lined up correctly. 

Step 2: 

Start sewing along one of the long sides. Making your way all the way around, leaving a 1/4-inch seam. Leave one of the short sides open to fill the pillow with flax and lavender. 


Step 3:

Mix lavender buds, flax seeds and lavender essential oil. 


Step 4:

Fill pillow until it is mostly full. These measurements should give you the correct amount! 


Step 5: 

Sew the open edge closed. I pulled threads to fray the edges more. The frayed edges give it a more organic, boho look to me. 


Are you proud? I know I am after every sewing project, no matter the difficulty!


YAY! Go you! Have the best day! 

Always and Whatever



Homemade Focaccia and Basic Bread 


DIY Lavender Citrus Candles